eBook Publishers: Final Comparison

May 8, 2015

Here it is ladies and gentlemen and writers of all persuasions. The final installment in my series on eBook publishers. I’ve already done detailed reviews of my experiences with the pbulishers I used for Satin & Sutherland – The Golden Curse, so there won’t be much new commentary today. Instead, I’ve pulled together some of the important details for each platform in a convenient chart format. For the in depth stuff, click on the links in the header of each column.

The information provided in this chart comes from my experience and understanding of each system. Any errors or omissions are on me. When submitting, be sure to always check the most up to date information from each platform directly.

Good luck in your publishing efforts!

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Kobo Writing Life Google Play Apple iBooks Store
Application Type Web App Web App Web App Web App Dashboard, iTunes Producer* desktop app needed to upload
*Requires a Mac running Mac OS X to install.
Price Setting Must not be more than other online sellers.
At least 20% less than any physical edition of the book.
Must not be more than other online sellers.
At least 20% less than any physical edition of the book.
End price listed to readers is 75% of the price you see and enter.
End price must not be more than other online sellers.
Note: Other sellers may use end price to reduce their prices automagically.
Must be set in a bracket ending in .99 (e.g $3.99, $4.99, etc.)
Must be comparable with other online sellers given bracket setting.
Royalty Rates 70% on books listed at $2.99 to $9.99 U.S.
35% on books listed at other prices.
70% on non-public domain books listed at $2.99 Canadian or more.
20% on public domain books.
54% 70%
Accepts ePUB submissions. Yes Yes Yes Yes
File Format Readers Receive
(determines what devices can view book)
Cover Size Recommendation
(at time of writing, review each platform before submission)
1667x2500 JPEG 1600x2400 JPEG 1600x2400 JPEG 1600x2400 JPEG
Online Previewer Yes Yes No
Reviewer copy must be assigned to yourself after the book is available on the store.
Book can be reviewed before upload by using iBooks* desktop app.
*Requires a Mac running Mac OS X to install.
Free Preview Sample First 10% of book First 5% of book Choice from 20% to 100% in 10% increments.
Each month readers can access a different part of the book.
Upload custom preview sample.
Control over DRM Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reporting Online Online Downloadable CVS Files*
*Requires spreadsheet application such as Excel to view.
Schedule Release Date Yes Yes Yes Yes
Schedule Pre-Order Yes
Up to 90 days before release.
Yes No Yes
Submission Process Duration 20 minutes 15 minutes 50 minutes 55 minutes
Stated Availability After Submission 12 hours for English books
24-48 hours worldwide
24-72 hours Not stated 95% of books available within 24 hours
S&S Availability Under 4 hours
(sent email confirming when book was available)
Under 6 hours Under 4 hours Under 4 hours
Richard’s Subjective “Ease of Use” Easy Easy Cumbersome Lengthy and mildly cumbersome
Richard’s Subjective Submission Process Ranking #2 #1 #5 (not a typo) #3